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New Mycetophilidae (Diptera: True Flies) from Muránska planina National Park
Monday May 09th 2011 05:55:53 PM

One new species from the genus Docosia is described from Muránska planina National Park. The name of the species is D. muranica and based on the type locality in the Muránska Planina National Park of central Slovakia. It could be found on four different places within the park.

Two parasitic wasps new for Slovakia
Monday May 09th 2011 02:14:29 PM

Within the EDIT summer school 2009 in Slovakia, two species new for this country could be collected with a sweeping net. The two species belong to the Pteromalidae, a family of parasitic wasps. One is Macroglenes compressus (Forster, 1841) and the other one is named M. penetrans (Kirby, 1800). Both species were found in Muránska Planina National Park by Dr. Mircea-Dan Mitroiu.

Summer school at the Slovakian ATBI+M site
Wednesday August 12th 2009 03:05:52 PM

Topic: From field to Web - studying biodiversity with the taxonomist's toolbox
In the beauty of Muranska Planina National Park, 20 young biologists from 13 European countries participated in the EDIT summer school to learn about the importance of taxonomy (July 19 - August 2, 2009). More information:
First ATBI+M Newsletter - July 2009
Wednesday August 12th 2009 02:56:20 PM

The new EDIT ATBI+M newsletter replaces the former email updates and offers a new, more reader-friendly layout. You will find new information about the ATBI+M sites, the EDIT WP7 website, meetings and others. Please have a look at
Domain launched
Wednesday August 12th 2009 02:33:58 PM

New domain is identical to, but provides easier access from your web browser.
Summer school courses at ATBI Gemer site
Wednesday August 12th 2009 03:04:39 PM

Several courses of sommer school (Fieldwork from zoology of invertebrates) for students of different study programmes (e.g. Bc programme Systematic Biology and Ecology, Bc programme Biology and MSc programme Zoology) are organised to expand collection effort of ATBI - Gemer. Read more at web site of the ATBI - Gemer.
Pilot trip to ATBI site, 1-5 May 2008
Monday June 23rd 2008 09:43:02 AM

Read more at web site of the ATBI - Gemer
Specific web site of the ATBI - Gemer was launched
Monday June 23rd 2008 09:30:41 AM

A new and more detailed web site of the ATBI - Gemer was launched on 27.4.2008. Site is available from address and provide much detailed information for experts interesting to participate at the research on Caprathian and Pannonian nature. There are followinf pages at the website: Habitat diversity - Events - Maps for ATBI-Gemer - ATBI Photogallery - Experts - Facilities - Step by step... - Databases - Manuals - Documents - Funny ATBI - FAQ - Contacts - Other links.
New website launched
Monday June 23rd 2008 09:31:15 AM

As of November 2007, the new website on All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories in the Slovak Gemer area is up and running. This website will contain general information on the activities in the three nature reserves, and will provide information for scientists as well as for the general public. We are currently developing an interface for presenting the first results.
Park management meeting on ATBI+M in Gemer, Slovakia
Monday June 23rd 2008 09:31:44 AM

From November 6-9, 2007, a series of meetings took place in Slovakia at the Comenius University, Bratislava, and two nature reserves in the Gemer Area: Slovensky Raj and Muranska Planina. Representatives attended from EDIT Work Package 7, the ministry of environment, three nature reserves (Slovensky Raj, Muranska Planina, and Slovensky Kras), from the French Mercantour natural park and from the Comenius University. Find out more here.
The Memorandum of Understanding between EDIT and the Slovakian State Nature Conservancy was discussed and agreed upon. Fieldwork can very likely start in Spring 2008 and researchers are very welcome to indicate their interest and propose for fieldwork in the Gemer area. Guidelines for providing ATBI data will be the same as for Mercantour/Alpi Marittime, but Terms of Reference and financial reimbursement schemes are at this point still being drafted. More about that soon on this website and on the ATBI forum
Alpi Marittime