This is EDIT's central info-page on 'All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories and Monitoring' (ATBI+M).
We aim at publishing progress reports and all other relevant infos on these pages.
If you miss anything, do not hesitate to
contact us!
When you are logged in, you can:
Edit your ATBI+M profile under 'My account'
The ATBI+M profiles all together allow us and other researchers to quantify taxonomic capacity for each of the proposed ATBI+M sites.
Moreover, colleagues can easily find out who is interested in which taxonomic groups and ATBI sites.
View other researcher's interests under 'Member's references'
This section is a summary of all filled in ATBI+M profiles and you are able to see who else is interested in ATBI sites and taxonomic groups.
Stay informed about relevant developments in the forum
where you can find info on pilot trips, negotiations with park management, ongoing ATBI+M activities and more.
Comments and suggestions are very much welcome:
Just mail