Locality data

Field names given bold and underlined are necessary for meeting GBIF compatibility and the needs of conservation strategies.

No. Locality data Explanation Example
1 Locality code A unique code for this locality MMB2007-1
2 Country The English name of the country where the fieldwork took place. France
3 ATBI site The name of the ATBI site (use the same nomenclature as on http://www.atbi.eu/forum/?q=node/682) "Mercantour/Alpi Marittime"
4 Full locality name The full description of the locality, indicating important nearby topographic landmarks in the order from large (e.g., region's name) to small scale (e.g., name of the road) "Gorge De Saorge, near Fontan along Road N204"
5 Longitude The longitude as given by the source in decimal degrees 7,55000000
6 Latitude The latitude as given by the source in decimal degrees 44,00000000
7 Minimum altitude The minimum altitude of the locality as given by the source (in meters above/below sea level), as recorded from a map, or as recorded from a barometer in meters above sea level. If only one value is available, provide it in the “Maximum altitude” field (values can be negative). 600
8 Maximum altitude The maximum altitude of the locality as given by the source (see no. 11) (in meters above/below sea level), as recorded from a map, or as recorded from a barometer in meters above sea level (values can be negative). 800
9 Geographic datum The geographic datum used by the source (see no. 11) to calculate the longitude/latitude (e.g., WGS84) WGS84
10 GPS accuracy The accuracy of the longitude-latitude measurement in meters 5
11 Source of the geo-reference The equipment (incl. brand names), literature or map used to record the geo-reference "Georeference and altitude were recorded using a Garmin GPS"
12 Radius The radius around the geo-reference (in meters around) within which specimens have been collected. If sampling took place along a transect, please describe in the field “Remarks”. 250
13 ImageURL If an image is available on internet, please provide the complete URL here.  
14 Image name The name of images that illustrate the locality. If more than one image is made available, separate the names with semi-colons (";"). Please provide the image in a separate folder/storage medium. MMB-008-1.jpg; MMB-008-2.jpg; MMB-008-3.jpg
15 Image credit The photographer, painter, literature source, etc. where the image(s) came from. If more than one image is given, separate credits by semi-colons (";") Merijn M. Bos 2007; Christoph Haeuser 2007; Klaus Riede 2007
16 Macrohabitat notes Any relevant remark on the habitat that dominates the locality. More precise (microhabitat) remarks can be provided along with later identifications of specimens "Lime stone ridge, humid, no vegetation besides some bryophytes and lichens"
17 Remarks Any other remarks that are relevant for this specific locality (e.g., waypoint, whether the georeference was a starting point of a transect of X meters in direction Y, etc.) Waypoint 17; Transect of 1250 meters in direction SSE
18 Date recorded The date on which these locality data were recorded (DD.MM.YYYY) (important because locality description can change over time) 14.06.2007
Alpi Marittime